Friday, September 24, 2010

Mighty Marisa

This little girl was an angel. An angel that doesn't sleep! I spent about 3 hours with her and she was wide awake for 2 hours and 59 minutes of our shoot. Her dear mother and I bounced, patted, walked, drove, shopped, fed, nothing seemed to work. I do have to say, little Marisa was a delight the entire time. Not for a second was she fussy. I even think I caught her laughing at us. We, however, will not give up. We will try, try again.


  1. Ohhhhh how precious! She has some blue eyes! I don't see how these parents pick the ones they want. I would want everyone!

  2. You did such an amazing job Shelly! thank you for your patience with my little one. Can't wait for the ones with her & her brother. Thank you, thank you!

  3. Ohhh - sweet Marisa. These are adorable!
