Thursday, May 5, 2011

A day at the LLama Shearing!

Who would have thought?...

Landri's Grandma Jean invited us to the annual
Llama Shearing Party at the Berry Patch Ranch!
We had such a great time experiencing something new!
We also had to make a quick trip to Grandma Jean's
to see her new baby goats.
She had eight babies all born within a week of our visit.
Landri fell in LOVE!
They we so adorable.

 This is he not the most darling little llama?..
Look at those eye lashes!

A llama's teeth are just fascinating to me.
The older the llama, the "greater" the teeth!

This is sweet little Commander before his trim.
He wasn't too sure...

This was during...
He did not like this at all :(


  1. How cute! Landri looks like she had a blast. I wouldn't want my mouth in that trap either. I Love your photo's!
