Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tag, You're It!

Aren't these tags great?! My sister was sweet enough to make these for me. I've been preparing for my first ever Craft Show. The thought of it is enough to make me nauseous. I keep telling myself, if nothing sells....I'll have a big jump on my Christmas gifts. If nothing else, they'll come with a cute tag.

My sister sells her tags on Etsy.com. I'm getting my order in soon for Christmas gift tags. You can also find her at http://inspiremedesigns.blogspot.com.


  1. That is the cutest wreath EVER! Love those tags too!! What craft show are you doing? I want to see all your goodies!!

  2. It's the CHHS Patera Holiday Market on Oct. 30. I'll give you a call. I could use your advice.

  3. LMBO @ the cow! How did you get a picture of a cow without all that slobber? LOLOL... I LOVE the wreath! I just now put my pictures on my blog, it took me 3 hours. I put Logan's picture up (heehee). Ava wants to go to your house for three months or live there. I'm going to post the pics we took behind the barn on Sunday. Thanks for the shout out. I need to get some new tags made, pronto. I have so much to say but not enough time. I'll be back!

  4. I would love that :)!! I want to see all your goodies!!

  5. Wreath looks fabulous. I know they are going to be a big hit. Looking forward to being your assistant!
